Position: Executive Directorโ
Salary: $43,000 DOE
Executive Director
A) Purpose: As chief executive, the Executive Director is responsible for general management and development of the Art Center, including its programs, properties and personnel, and the maintenance of professional standards in accordance with the objectives and policies established by the Board of Directors.
B) Relationships:
The Executive Director will:
1) Report to the Board of Directors at regular board meetings or as necessary
2) Supervise the Art Center's staff including contracted temporary employees
3) Serve as ex-officio member of all Board Committees
4) Act as a technical advisor to the Board and all Committees
5) Represent the Custer County Art Center in contact with artists, the general public, members, volunteers, donors, public officials, business representatives, government agencies, universities/colleges, schools, museums and media representatives
C) Responsibilities:
The Executive Director will:
1) Provide professional and managerial leadership in the development of plans and programs, maintenance of standards and development of public interest and support;
2) Work closely with the Board in developing or revising policy and implement and administer policy;
3) Provide timely, innovative, and creative exhibits for the community;
a) plan and schedule exhibits
b) prepare the calendar
c) coordinate arrangements
d) supervise installation
4) Develop programs and guidelines for acquisition, preservation, display and growth of the permanent collection;
a) locate sources
b) negotiate loans of and purchases of works of art
5) Organize educational programs;
a) recruit teachers, artists, lecturers and other resource people as needed
b) administer the development and maintenance of a docent program
c) supervise artist(s)-in-residence
6) Coordinate, recruit for and supervise all volunteer activities
7) Assist Board of Directors in promoting the interests of the Art Center through membership and donor development;
8) Work with other cultural organizations in promoting and coordinating community cultural activities;
9) Work closely with the committees to organize and direct all of the Art Center's fundraising events
10) Supervise and coordinate all promotions and news releases pertaining to the Art Center's exhibits and programs; through the development and design of publications, invitations, catalogs and direct mailings.
11) Supervise staff;
a) hiring, with approval of Board
b) training and professional development
c) performance reviews and maintenance of standards
d) make salary recommendations for the staff to the Personnel Committee before any discussions with employees.
12) Be responsible for plant maintenance, security, appearance, and public safety for the convenience and protection of visitors and staff
13) Work closely with staff and Board committees in preparation of annual operating plan;
a) budget
b) capital improvement program
c) facility expansion
14) Host receptions and meetings;
15) Represent the Art center at meetings, conferences, conventions, and special occasions as required;
16) Write grant requests for Art Center general operations, exhibitions, and programs;
17)Operate the Art Center within the constraints of the annually approved budget and keep sufficient records to verify fisca l operations.
Send resume and completed application to ccartc@midrivers.com or drop off at WAM during regular museum hours.