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AISC in October 2023

The start of the fall 2023 semester has been full of excitement, fun noise, and a lot of art mess, the best kind of mess. Students from rural settings and afterschool programs have been up for getting their hands dirty and learning new processes for creating. Some of the first projects we’ve done have been paper mache jellyfish, clay owls, salt art, pastel spiderwebs, and water rockets. As the new education director in this position, I’ve been working to get to know the students so I can better plan for projects that are personalized to the individual’s interest. These rural students have been nothing short of amazing. They’re polite, happy to tell stories about their lives, and hype up their classmates. It’s fun to see students get excited about their creations and even better when they’re happy about their classmates' creations. As of now, the WaterWorks Rural Outreach program has been to thirteen schools, with more on the schedule in the coming weeks. The Friday’s Art Lab program is also receiving momentum from the previous classes and has signups through December. If your child is at all interested in these Friday classes feel free to reach out at (406) 234-0635 for questions. We’re looking forward to November and to seeing the inspiration students get from the changing season.

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